


The solusion to extreem short or thin horsetail

Your horse has te go to a test, show or perform on a competition, but the tail is too short, thin or has unequal length?

Then Showtail offers the perfect solution: The indistinguishable from real additional horsetail and extension, tailored for your horse.

In the showbiz and fashion world the using of extensions and toupee is already a consuetude. Also in the equistrian world, this application has been introduced. With the help of an additional tail and/or extensions, your horses tail can be lenghtened or thickened to a beautiful tail.

Both, the additional horsetail as the extensions, can be treated and washed as its own tail.

Showtail additional horsetail and extensions are available in several natural shades in different fixation options.  There is even a colored version, Showtail Fantasy, that gifs the extra showelement.

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